- Microsoft word 2013 shortcut keys pdf free

- Microsoft word 2013 shortcut keys pdf free

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Keyboard shortcuts in Word. 



Microsoft word 2013 shortcut keys pdf free


All Short Cut Keys in a Computer. A keyboard shortcut is a set of one microsoft word 2013 shortcut keys pdf free more keys that invoke a command in software or an operating system. Keyboard and computer shortcuts are designed to make routine computer functions quicker and easier to perform, boosting productivity and efficiency. Shortcut Keys and their Functions: Some commonly used computer short cut keys are documented below.

Home: Goes to beginning of current line. End: Goes to end of shortcuf line. Shortcut Freee and their Functions: Below is a listing of all the major shortcut keys in Microsoft Word. In addition to the above shortcut keys users can also use their mouse as shorcut method of quickly do something commonly performed. Below some are examples of mouse shortcuts. Mouse shortcuts and their Descriptions Click, wotd, and drag: Selects text from where you click and hold to the point you drag and let go.

Double-click: Shhortcut double-click a word, selects the complete word. Double-click: Double-clicking on shotrcut left, center, or right of a blank line will make the alignment of the text left, center, or right aligned. Double-click: Double-clicking anywhere after text on a line will set a tab stop. Triple-click: Selects the line or paragraph of the text the mouse triple-clicked. Average Rating. Click here to windows 10 pro or enterprise free your own comments.

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Microsoft word 2013 shortcut keys pdf free

  This article describes the keyboard shortcuts in Word for iOS. For example, if a word is selected, the selection size is extended to one sentence. In addition to the above shortcut keys users can also use their mouse as a method of quickly do something commonly performed. Keys for other layouts might not correspond exactly to the keys on a US keyboard.    


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